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Our senses are partial and passive.
What does that mean?

We see what we want to see
We see others mistakes
We see our hurt
We see the path they have taken
We see the clothes they wear
We see what we want to see
We see how others see us
What we don't see is how we see ourselves
What we don't see is ourselves. 
What we don't see is how much we are like them. 

We hear what we want to hear
We hear them gossip
We hear them shout
We hear them curse
We hear them snore
We hear their lies
We hear what we want to hear.
We don't hear the truth. 

We smell what we want to smell
We smell the roast in the others house
We smell the jealousy 
We smell the alcohol in their breath
We smell what we want to smell
We don't smell how stale our life is.
We don't smell our house burning down.

We touch what we want to touch
The leather so fine
The velvet so soft
The green notes
The wound that hurts
The past with regret
The present with blame
We touch what we want to touch
What we don't touch is heart
What we don't touch is life

We taste what we want to taste
The bitterness of life
The sweetness of lies
The very unaffordable french fries
The other person's betrayal
The pity for self
We taste what we want to taste
What we don't taste is the spice of life.

The sixth sense. 
The sixth sense. 

I’m a free soul
No have tos
No set patterns
No plans
I’m special
I’m a free soul


I’m at peace in a standstill
I’m at peace when the world is sleeping
I’m at peace when no one is looking
I’m at peace when the clock strikes 12
But I’m not at peace when Cinderella has to go home
I’m at peace with myself
I’m a free soul
Am I?


In my thoughts
I travel
I sing
I dance
I create
I love
In my thoughts
I imagine, I live
I’m a free soul
Am I?


What is a free soul?
They say to define is to limit
They say what you believe is true
I’m a free soul

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